
Our latest webinar

By Brandish Agency

The year has just started and that means it’s another term for universities and colleges. In December 2020, we hosted a webinar talking about the post-secondary education industry.

Work (and learning) is Changing

Even though 2020 is over, the pandemic is not. All industries are still navigating the uneven and unpredictable landscape created by the pandemic, especially the post-secondary education industry. With varying lockdown stay-at-home orders across Canada and the USA, education institutions needed to adapt quickly to meet the needs of new and returning students. The job market is also changing and leaving students wondering how their education will prepare them for a remote workforce?

The webinar:

That’s why we hosted a webinar about our key insights into the post-secondary education industry. These trends are not new, but now they’ve accelerated. We know work is changing and the post-secondary education industry needs to reposition itself to meet the needs of the future workforce.

In this webinar, we share our insights about the industry as a whole and how we used these insights to build the brand strategy for our client Robertson College.

Derek Elliott, Partner and Director of Accounts and Alexandra Martin, Director of Brand host the webinar. These two were key players in the research, assessment and development of the Robertson College brand.

Now, we’re giving you access to the full 90 minute webinar. Watch the webinar below:

And make sure to check out the Robertson Case Study, too. Find it here.

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