
Webinars: Delivering our insights for COVID-19

By Brandish Agency

As we were all social distancing, we launched two webinars about how to navigate your business through COVID-19. 

We entered into an unprecedented era without knowing when things would return back to “normal.” This was and still is a period of rapid and constant change. It was hard to determine what direction businesses should start heading toward in order to move forward through this crisis. 

We hosted a few webinars to share our strategic position and how we were advising our clients to see the opportunities within their industry that could potentially set up their business for long-term success. 

Webinar #1: Acclimatize your brand during COVID-19

We launched this webinar in April 2020 just as non-essential businesses were mandated to close by the government. By this time, our team had been working at home for two weeks and we had been researching and assessing industry and global trends. We were in daily communication with our clients, monitoring the situation as it progressed and being agile with our recommendations.

This webinar focused on providing clarity about the impact of COVID-19 on businesses and providing insights into the situation, while at the same time keeping your audience at the forefront. 

In this session, we guided participants through a series of trends that we shared with our clients, as well as general recommendations for responding within different marketing environments.  

We ran this webinar over two lunch hours with over 100 participants from varying industries across Canada and the United States.

You can watch the video below.

Webinar #2: Crisis vs. Opportunity: Navigating the COVID-19 Recovery Phase

We followed up with a second webinar right as Canada began phase one of re-opening. This webinar focused on the recovery phase, an idea we introduced in our first webinar. 

We understood that businesses and entire industries had focused their attention on the short term. Businesses were focused on surviving and some had adapted their services to connect with customers online to meet their needs while social isolating. 

We created this webinar to explore what this “new normal” would look like especially as businesses were preparing for the pandemic’s recovery phase. We understood that now was the time for businesses to assess the opportunities this new landscape was providing.

With uncertainty about a second wave hitting, we were working with our clients to set them up to move quickly through this next phase and make fundamental shifts in their business towards long term opportunities. 

Check out the webinar video below.

The importance of sharing

At Brandish, our team spends significant time working to deeply understand our clients and their industries along with global trends that could impact their specific category. This research develops our insights which form the foundation of our strategies. 

During COVID-19 we had to be agile, not only for our own business, but for our clients. Our recommendations needed to provide quick tactical responses to an ever-changing market while also having the foresight and flexibility to see new opportunities that were being presented within that industry. Understanding these opportunities and moving quickly towards them, helped us develop long-term client strategies that we could identify unlimited potential within.

As an agency, we didn’t fundamentally change how we worked, but we did adapt. Our approach is always based on discovering what your audience values and what they’re looking for. This is why we focus heavily on research and assessment. 

During COVID-19, it’s imperative that we deeply understand the environment. By combining this with our insights about our audiences, we are able to adapt our strategies and continually provide meaningful solutions to our clients’ and their audiences.

To see more about how we work, check out our services page here. To see evidence of our insights in action, visit our case studies page.

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Brandish Agency

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