
We’re a bit different.

By Brandish Agency

Today you’re visiting us at our new website. It’s a bit different than how we looked before, but it’s not just our look that’s changed, it’s us.

We’ve updated and expanded

Before the pandemic hit, we were planning on launching a brand update. We wanted to introduce you to the new us and start our relationship, but COVID-19 shook things up a bit. We shifted our focus from our launch to how we were going to navigate our team and our clients through the pandemic.

Our team has been working remotely since March and we’ve adapted our workflow. We had to move quickly through this constantly changing landscape in order to successfully navigate our clients through the economic climate COVID-19 created. 

Today, we’re happy to announce we’re expanding our agency and virtually launching our office in Toronto. We’re proud to say our team has stayed together and we’ve actually added a few new team members along the way.

To say it’s been easy would be a lie. But, the strength of our team and the strong partnerships we have with our clients made it possible to navigate these uncertain times. Now, our team is over 30 people and we’re seamlessly working across two locations in Winnipeg and Toronto.

From the managing partners:

Keep moving forward

We’ve supported and continue to guide our clients through a shifting economy. 

And we didn’t want to keep our approach to ourselves. In the last few months, we’ve hosted two free webinars sharing our perspective about how to navigate COVID-19 and how to set yourself up for the pandemic’s recovery phase. Check out our webinars here.

We’re looking forward to sharing more about our perspective and approach with you in the coming months, too.

Let’s keep talking

We’ll keep reaching out, that’s our promise. Our launch is more than just us updating our website and visual identity. This launch marks the start of our relationship. We’ve been busy, but that doesn’t mean we forgot about you. We actually think about you all the time, especially when we’re developing strategies for our clients. You’re always our focus.

You can learn more about who we are and what we do on this website. It’s brand new, have a look around. Get a sense of our personality on our social media channels. You can find us @brandishagency. If you’re interested in joining us, we’re ready and looking forward to what we build together. Talk soon.

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Brandish Agency

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brandish 2022