
Brandish Gives Back

By Brandish Agency

It’s safe to say that 2021 hasn’t exactly gone as planned —especially as we close out the year. And while the rollercoaster of COVID-19 continues, we’ve been quite fortunate at Brandish to work with amazing folks every day, whether it’s our clients, team members or even you.

With this feeling of thankfulness in mind, we set out to give back to our community. That’s why on December 17, 2021, employees from our agency delivered several holiday hampers to Main Street Project to help support the local Winnipeg community.

After moving to a four-day workweek in September 2021, Brandish employees have the flexibility to choose what they would like to do each Friday, and on this past Friday, our employees decided to purchase, assemble and deliver holiday hampers.

“We’re thrilled to see how our new four-day workweek has given our employees the flexibility to give back to their community. In the short time since we’ve launched, we’ve seen our team use their Fridays in a multitude of ways. It’s heartwarming to see our team use this time to give back to our founding city.” – Lee Waltham, Managing Partner & Co-Founder

Employees from both our Winnipeg and Toronto offices participated, by either donating cash, purchasing items or donating their time to the effort. 

“This year has been tough for a lot of people. This is a small gesture that reminds us how powerful taking the time to give back to our downtown community is. We’re looking forward to new ways to support our city in 2022.” – Derek Elliott, Partner, Co-Founder & Director of Engagement

The holiday hampers consisted of food and snacks, feminine hygiene products, winter clothes, toiletries and other items collected from Main Street Project’s Wish List. 

This year has been a tough year for many in Winnipeg and around the world. We hope this small gesture helps bring some comfort to our community. If you have time – check out the great work that the Main Street Project does. They provide services all year round and play a vital role in our Winnipeg downtown community.

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Brandish Agency


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