
Brandish Marks Six Months of the Four-Day Workweek

By Brandish Agency

After transitioning to a permanent four-day workweek (4DWW) in September 2021, Brandish Agency hit our six-month anniversary of the 4DWW this month. Brandish has seen nothing but positive feedback from clients, employees and community members about this change. Our employees have responded to the shift extremely positively — they now have an additional 52 days back to use as they see fit. Brandish has also seen our productivity and efficiency improve by reducing unnecessary meetings and working asynchronously. 

Our Co-Founders, Managing Partner Lee Waltham and Derek Elliott, Partner & Engagement Director, have spoken about the benefits in several videos, as community members, clients and other organizations have reached out to learn how to transition their organization to a 4DWW. Additionally, Brandish’s 4DWW has helped increase applicants for job positions, as many prospective employees are excited about a culture that seeks to reset the work-life balance.

Check out what one of our co-founders had to say about the transition, and why your organization should make the switch too. You can also read about the shift in some of our previous coverage from CBC Radio, Radio Canada, Morning Brew, Manitoba Inc. or Industry West Magazine.

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Brandish Agency


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